Forbes- The Future of BIM is Seamless Collaboration

Forbes- The Future of BIM is Seamless Collaboration

Published by Forbes Tech Council
Written by Mitch Hughes, CEO of ViZZ

The roots of building information modeling began with a nuclear physicist from Russia, Leonid Raiz, and his development of 3-D computer-aided design (CAD) software. We refer to it today throughout creative industries as BIM.

3-D printing likely wouldn’t exist if not for Raiz. Nor would the Boeing 777 jet. Nor would Revit, the $20 billion industry standard today in BIM, where 3-D models of buildings are designed and architected and where buildings come to life. Raiz founded that company before selling it to Autodesk in 2002.

So, here we are in 2019, where the use of Revit and CAD is the standard for building design and construction. But when Raiz created and sold Revit, he did not anticipate one important part of the future of design: The future would prioritize collaboration.

With Slack, Google Docs, Trello, Asana and Stack Overflow, today’s business is more collaborative, connected and shared than ever before. BIM, for all of its transformative value for engineering buildings, is a very downstream tool. The fact is that architects, engineers and building designers don’t want a lot of upstream changes coming at them from contractors. It’s why they don’t allow access to CAD files in the first place. The designs are sacred. They are written in stone.

When blueprints become footprints, designs sometimes need adjustments on the fly, and there are still no tools that allow for the ease of upstream communication between teams in construction to prevent those mistakes before even breaking ground. This problem is compounded by the limited number of people who attain the specialized skills necessary to access models and information in complicated software.

